The pace of the rage you see

Amazes the one who stands away

She watches with tears riding her flushed cheeks

“I want to intervene”

But she stays in the dark watching and crying

Her skin so white

It makes it a chore to hide

She can see the ignorance and lack of effort

From those around

“I know how to help, why won’t he ask me?”

The tears are rivers now

Rivers of pain infused with hope and rage

“Why won’t he..?”

She collapses now…

But she never hit the ground

She feels she is forever falling down

Never allowed to run along the forsaken place she was raised

The sunlight may hurt her but the pain of seeing the salty drops of suffering cascading down your face
Crippled her in so many ways that would make the sun’s ray envious

You let your problems elevate

Leaving them above the atmosphere

Where you can’t breathe

The lack of oxygen makes it seem as though your mind is receding

You are repeating

And she sees it

She knows you know

And now you know she knows you know

So she wishes you well

But she won’t help unless you want her around



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