They lift our spirits, and brighten days.
They turn the ice cool blue mood morning into sunshine.
Works of art encapsulating whimsy caught on vinyl lead to gales of laughter tearing up the highway.
Golden hour three minute miracles at will.
On coffee breaks at ten,
or manic luncheons,
that lull between the dullest lecture
somehow seems much better when you hear
those zesty tunes with citric pep.
Condiments on CD rock and dash.
The end of day fatigue can be lifted by just one infectious
blast from ear worm spritzers.
Let’s celebrate our each and every tunesmith,
raise a glass to their high-octane verve,
as they beaver in some moth-filled urban attic on the classics that transform synthetic ruts.



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Regina's picture

I got so much humor in this stellar prose....."manic luncheons" absolutely love it ! :)))


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