The Dark Lady

Some men sayen that I am blac;
It is a colour for my prow.
Ther I love ther is no lac;
I may not be so white as thou.

Blac is a colour that is good —
So say I and many mo:
Blac is my hat, blac is my hood,
Blac is al that longeth therto.

Blac wil do as good a nede
As the white at bord and bedde;
And therto also trew in dede,
And therto I lay my lif to wedde.

Wind and water may steine the white;
Y-wis the blac it may not so;
Ther I see the blac is al my delite;
I am y-holde by skille therto.

Peper withoute it is wel blac,
Y-wis withinne it is not so.
Let go the colour and tak the smac:
This I say by me and mo.

God save alle hem that beeth browne,
For they beeth trew as any stel;
God kepe hem, bothe in feeld and towne,
And thenne shal I be kept ful wel.
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