Love among the clouds did hover

Love among the clouds did hover
Seeking where to spie a lover:
In the Court he none could find,
Townes too meane were in that kind,
At last as he was ripe to crying,
In Forrest woods he found one lying

Under-neath a tree fast sleeping,
Spirit of Love her body keeping,
Where the soule of Cupid lay
Though he higher then did stay,
When he himselfe in her discrying,
He hasted more then with his flying.

And his tender hand soft laying
On her breast his fires were playing,
Wak'd her with his baby game,
She who knew love was no shame
With his new sport; smild as delighted,
And homeward went by Cupid lighted.

See the shady Woods bestowing
That, which none can aske as owing
But in Courts where plenties flow,
Love doth seldome pay, but owe,
Then still give me this Country pleasure,
Where sweet love chastly keepes his treasure.
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