A tramp, after spending a cold, wet night outside;
Went into a church where a crowd gathered with pride.

All were tightly wrapped around one glowing wood stove;
Waiting to start service inside, out of the cold.

The tramp stood in a lonely corner shivering;
And at the stove christians stood, not one quivering.

None offering to share a warm spot with this man;
Not one volunteered, not one extended a hand.

So he weaved toward the stove, first gee and then haw;
But never close enough he got so he could thaw.

"It must be cold outside!"  one christian smugly spoke.
"Cold as hell," the tramp said. His answer made them all choke!

"Pardon me," the christian said. "But you're mistaken;
"My Bible states that sinners will be a'baking."

"No sir, it will  be cold there," the tramp insisted.
"How do you figure that?" the christian persisted.

"It's simple," said the tramp in his tattered attire.
There'll  be so many christians in hell that.......
A feller won't be able to get near the fire."



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