True Love


The inward tear the silent sigh
The look spoke loud in beauties eye
Strikes like Thor's hammer i' the shock
Though marble bosoms only mock


If hidden tears and unheard sighs
Speak nothing — there no heart replies
If signs like these are passed unknown
Then love with two was never known


The maid that love in secret keeps
The eye that in the bosom weeps
The cheek that burns up fire to see
Her speak to others though it bee


Cold sweats that chill the brow of toil
To see her on another smile
Is love that boils through every vein
But owns no voices to explain


A hidden mystery of the breast
A heart that sleeps without its rest
A word that's ever on the tongue
And keeps it silent all day long


A wish that aches to have its way
Yet keeps it prisoner day by day
A thought for one and one alone
That petrifies the heart to stone


Love flashes in the human eye
And beatings of the heart reply
Love tingles in the virgin blood
Of woman in her maidenhood


For man those snowy hills do swell
For man those smiles do secrets tell
For man sweet womans love was born
Then who would beauties glances scorn
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